
“For breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on earth.”  -  Sanskrit proverb

Humans need 3 things to survive… Food (can survive up to 3 weeks without), water (about 3 days) and air (about 3 mins!). We don’t pay enough attention to the one we can survive the shortest amount of time without… The breath IS life!

In Sanskrit, pranayama (breathwork) is derived of 2 words meaning:

Prana – breath, life force, energy

Ayama – technique of guiding the prana

We have become shallow chest breathers by bad habits. The breath is the link between body and mind. HOW we breathe determines how much oxygen goes to the brain, heart, muscles, affecting energy output and use. The diaphragm is the primary breathing muscle (connected to deep front fascial line), and practicing pranayama and deep breathing, gives us better control of the breath and also stimulates the vagus nerve, triggering a feeling of relaxation.

Deep breathing improves autonomous functions. (Involuntary actions – intestines, heart, glands) Activates the parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system; slows heart rate, stimulates digestion, dilates blood vessels, lowering blood pressure and constricts pupils, calming body and mind. (The sympathetic - fight or flight, does the opposite.)

The diaphragm contracts during inhalation. It flattens around its own tendon, increasing the diameter of the ribcage and volume of lung cavity (negative pressure draws air into lungs). Intercostal muscles simultaneously contract to move the ribs up and out. Blood naturally pools at the lower lobes of the lung (gravity) so a fuller breath brings oxygen into this portion. Breathing is therefore more dynamic and efficient.

Total Lung capacity is dependent upon many factors such as weight, sex, age and activity and females tend to have a 20-25% lower capacity than males. Tall people tend to have a larger total lung capacity than shorter people. Heavy smokers have a drastically lower TLC than non-smokers. Some people, such as elite athletes, have a TLC well above average.

Benefits: Reduced anxiety and depression, lowers/stabilises blood pressure, increased energy levels, promotes longevity, muscle relaxation and de-stress. Improved sleep.

Anuloma Viloma - Alternate Nostril Breathing

Anuloma Viloma - Alternate Nostril Breathing

Kirsten-Mia Hickey

The Roaming Yogi

Yoga Teacher | Trained Chef | Wellness Coach

Based in sunny Durban, South Africa

Self Practice Masterclass